15 Signs That Your Girl Is The Coolest Girlfriend Ever

Lifestyle | By Cole Damon | March 6, 2018

Being in a relationship is perhaps the best time in every man's life. You get to experience the highs and lows of being with another person and if luck is with you, you can have a brilliant time and future. Here we have made a list of 15 signs that your girlfriend is the coolest you'll ever get and you're really lucky for her presence.

Likes the Same Things

You can tell that you have a brilliant girlfriend when she likes the same things as you. Although she generally loved those things already, she is also trying to adapt to your preferences as the relationship goes on.

Never Interferes

While having a girlfriend that helps you out with your work is an added plus, men that don't like being disturbed while handling their work would be pleased to have someone who doesn't interfere with their work and work regime.

Tells You Her Mood

You can tell that you have a great person on your hands if she tells you why she is in the mood she is right now. She doesn't hide things from you and lets you know why her mood isn't the way you would want it to be.

Loves You

A cool girlfriend will love you for who you are and not for what you do. She realizes that you are the perfect match for her and she loves you for that. She doesn't hide her feelings for you and is expressive with what she desires.

Not Changing You

The worst kinds of girlfriends are those that are hell bent on changing you. These girlfriends don't get the essence of being in a relationship and don't respect you for who you are, but just want to change you.

No Problems with Body Image

She is okay with her body image and isn't hell bent on changing the image like most girls nowadays. She respects her body and makes you respect her as well. You both share a great bond of respect and don't believe in shaming.

She Doesn't Want All Your Time

She doesn't want you to give you all of your time and understands that you are a grown up adult and have other things going on your schedule as well. She keeps to herself and loves when you give her the time.

Shares Values

She shares the values you have and the norms you believe in. You have defining views on education and honesty, and she shares all of these views. She voices her own opinion when you have different opinions and you love that.

Open With You

She is open with you and around you and you are sure of the fact that there is nothing that she is hiding from you currently. You guys share every single detail with each other and there is not a thing that you don't tell her.

Good Listener

The only reason why you like sharing all your activities with her is because she is a brilliant listener. She is brilliant at listening and comprehends whatever you're saying in the best manner possible. She has a great demeanor of positivity.

Fun to be With

She is a great person to be with and you appreciate every bit of it. You cannot wait to hang out with her throughout your day and are actually looking forward to be with her, so that you guys can make more memories.

Loves F&F

She loves your friends and family and loves hanging out with them. She adores how you have such a brilliant family and social circle and is really vocal about letting you know this fact. She appreciates you for your presence.

Clothing Advice

She doesn't put you in a tight corner by asking for advice related to clothes. She recognizes that you may not share her perspective when it comes to clothing and that you don't need to feel pressurized because of it.

Loves Surprising You

She loves surprising you, and you love being surprised by her. Both of you love surprises and she just loves the look you have on your face when you are surprised by her. You love the surprises that she gives you.

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