15 Differences Between Genuine And Fake People

Entertainment | By Cole Damon | February 1, 2018

Every person has two sides to them. When we interact with them, our priority is to whiff out the true persona hidden inside their otherwise nice and welcoming exterior. The accuracy of the information we collect will help us make informed choices on whether we should continue (or forge) the intimate relationship with them. Here are 15 telltale signs to help you pinpoint if the person is faking their niceness.

Fake people fake respect

A fake person will give off all the red flags about faking respect. This is because their inflated egos are too big to properly mask all the bottled up feelings of superiority in their hearts and minds.

The pursuit of acknowledgement

A genuine person isn't generally after superficial and pointless concepts such as recognition and acknowledgement. Fake people on the other will constantly demand your attention and affirmation of their superiority - of course whether they have superiority or not is a different matter.

Private time spent with them

The amount of intimate time spent with a person allows them to reveal and expose all their inner demons. A fake person will give you frightening nightmares but a genuine person will make you feel at ease in their presence.

Too much vanity

A genuine person won't express too much pride at a job well done or a personal attribute of theirs which deserves recognition. A fake person on the other hand wants people to constantly praise them every other second.


It definitely goes without saying that a genuine person won't gossip about you from behind your back. If they have something to say to you, they will be brave enough to be forthright with you. The same can't be said about fake people.

Broken promises

To break promises is a human characteristic and we've all broken them every now and then. Fake people however take it to a whole new level. They have a terrible habit of lying and breaking promises which they probably borrowed from their parents.

They don't teach you new things

A genuine person won't have any problems learning new things from people around them. IT doesn't matter how young or senior the person may be, they always have something to offer. Fake people don't have it in them to learn new things.

A hidden agenda

Fake people always seem to have an ulterior motive and the vibe they give off can negatively rub off on your to alert you of their hidden agenda. Genuine people usually have something to offer in turn for your tools.

They won't appreciate you

A fake person might be impressed by your abilities and skills but they will give off the impression that your accomplishments really aren't worth their approval and praise. A genuine person however will give credit where its due.

They can't take a joke

This is especially true of the person who makes plenty of jokes on your own behalf, but when the courtesy is extended to them, it inevitably ends up on the wrong side of town. A genuine person will always express giggles.

They don't protect their friends

A genuine person will always express concern for the well being of others but a bad person wouldn't give any regards about your mental state of mind and they will protect this hand. A bad person will be the first person jolt away from the scene.

Honesty is not their best policy

A fake person is able to exude honesty and remains upfront about their motives. A bad person will hide their true intentions and portray their true intentions in the wrong light, they would lie to mask their selfish goals.

The true colors

Once the person has decided you're not good at solving their problems, they will promptly shift their attitude of you, inadvertently revealing their true colors and cold demeanor. A genuine person doesn't care about your ability to help them.

They can harm you

A fake person will do anything and everything to achieve their goals, even if it ends up harming you. A genuine person on the other hand will seek the best possible approach to help both your and their case out.

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