Every day, we wake up facing and taking on our daily tasks to the best of our abilities with some tasks and errands being easier than others. Throughout time we've developed methods and tools in order to help us with these tasks in order to our make our lives easier but, what many of us don't realize is that are even deeper hacks and tools that we can use in order to take things to the next level. With that being said, we've compiled some much-needed life hacks that will help from day to day. Check them out for yourself today.
Trust us, we love Michael's like everyone else does and dry erase boards are necessary if you have a busy schedule but, if you don't have one, don't worry. You can purchase dry erase markers and use your mirror as a platform to write on without doing the mirror any harm.
If you're anything like us and still have a handheld can opener then you'll find out that that tool has more uses than just for opening cans. You know that pesky plastic packaging that virtually everything comes in, the can opener can be become extremely helpful.
We think we've all been there when it comes to getting new keys and having to place them on our key ring. So, for all of you out there with sensitive fingers out there, all you need is a stapler remover to prop open the key ring making it easy to add more keys to your chain.
If you can't wait for your refrigerator to provide you with an ice-cold beverage than have no fear there are faster ways to speed the process up. Wrap your drink of choice in a wet paper towel, place it in the fridge and patiently wait for the results.
If you live in tight quarters or if you have trouble with your cutting board slipping all over the place while your dicing veggies or meat we can help you with that. Place the cutting board in the nearest drawer and get busy.
We think we might have all experienced this while trying to wrap up our leftovers as the aluminum foil seems to either be undercut or end up the size of a window but, there are tabs on the side of the box that allows you to get the perfect cut of foil for perfect packaging.
There's only a couple of things on planet earth that feel as good as a stocked refrigerator but sometimes the process of filling the fridge can be tedious so if we recommend opening the back side of the box of beverages and pushing the cans directly into the refrigerator.
Space becomes a factor when you're a tidy individual in regards to your living space so we would recommend that you purchase an additional shower rod, place it underneath the sink tightly so you can hang up your squeeze-handle cleaning products creating more room.
Everyone needs their pick me up in the morning before handling their business so a strong cup of coffee might be necessary for a lot of us. What many people don't realize is that the coffee cup lid features an indent for the closable coffee tab to perfectly fit in.
Keeping fresh linens is something that is our requirement in our households over here at CultureHook and if you happen to be a neat freak or have OCD you can wrap your sheets and matching linens in their own pillowcase.
Who in their right mind doesn't enjoy Pringles? Also, it's nearly impossible to eat just one so if you're going for the gold and can't reach the ones at the bottom with your hand, slide a piece of paper to the bottom of the can in order to obtain easy access.
We know a lot of you out there are health conscious these days and watching your meat intake but when you do decide to purchase meat, flatten it, in order for it to thaw more quickly once you're ready to prepare it for your next meal.
A lot of people out there don't realize that they're using sticky notes all wrong as the adhesive part of the note isn't meant to be at the top but placed on the side in order to be removed horizontally rather than vertically.
If you work in an office environment or have a coffee maker in the workplace that's constantly in use, use two styrofoam cups with the necessary labeling in order to avoid drinking old coffee ever again, of course, this method would require tactful individuals to play by the rules.
Everyone loves tacos but making your own and building them can become a messy process so, in order to eliminate getting all of the toppings all over the place, use a fork to stand up the shell to make the process a lot more cleaner and quicker.
Use these life hacks people, they're useful!